Christmas Cookie Cutters > Presents

Princess Lilli the Bean of Candyland, age 6, helps make a lot of cookies, cakes, and candies with us and with her paternal grandmother. Our pseudo grandchildren - next door neighbors are 3-8 in age and obviously love cookies. So they are getting cookie cutters for Christmas. The total produced is in excess of 20, two sets of six dinosaurs - Evie and The Bean both love dinosaurs, four sets of two Disney related cookie cutters, a few Hogwarts / Harry Potter related cookie cutters, and a few I liked.
The results of SOME of them are shown here.

The results of the test run are shown here.

Gluten free and they taste good.


What a delightful and creative project! It’s heartwarming to see Princess Lilli the Bean of Candyland, at the tender age of 6, actively participating in making cookies, cakes, and candies alongside her paternal grandmother. And what a thoughtful Christmas gift idea for your pseudo-grandchildren next door! With over 20 different cookie cutters, including dinosaurs, Disney characters, and even some Harry Potter-themed ones, you’ve certainly set the stage for some fantastic baking adventures. The photos you’ve shared of the Dinosaur Cookie Cutters and the test run of the cookies look amazing.