3D Printing - Cookies Cookies - My Daughter Makes Cookies

Several months ago my daughter wanted to try her hand at making cookies and took a class. Then she discovered i could obtain from Thingiverse, or make my own custom cookie cutters with Fusion 360. A couple YouTube videos later on making Cookie Cutters with Fusion 360 and the rest is history. Here a couple examples…

Start with a picture (my job):

Then make the cutter (my job):

Then Print the Cutter (my job):

Then make the cookies (her job):


Actually not fair to my daughter - the body of the tractor was John Deere Green - just didn’t get that picture.

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How great is it to have a project with your daughter? Fabulous!

Cool project. You’re a great dad.

Nice Work! Rob great idea.

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It is awesome to do things with family. Richards post on Kremendorf and Grandkids Woodwoking has to make one smile. May see more of this with all of us shuttered up.