Has anyone used MeshCam?

Have you used MeshCam? If so, what are your comments on it?

I own and occasionally use MeshCAM.
Its forte is 3D carving and double-sided cuts.
When it come to 2D or 2.5D or Vcarving it’s useless.

I took a quick look and while it doesn’t run on Linux( didn’t try WINE ) I did watch a beginner video and it looks really easy to use. And I learned something which I was missed setting up in the software I’m slicing with, setting up the “stock”. I’m using Kiri;Moto( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9OD_1hacwU ) only I installed it onto a small local computer( raspberry Pi ).

In Fusion 360 I created my design on the X,Y plane and was confused as to how to get the design to engrave into the top of a larger piece of wood. It turns out setting up the “stock” and setting the origin options in that section makes it slice relative to the top of the stock. So cool to be learning all these specifics of CNC’ing.

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Thanks, I am working pure Windows and trying to find an alternative to VCarve, which impressed me but I cannot seem to get it to work and Vectric cannot seem to answer any questions.
I watched one of the beginner videos as well. It seems MechCam is a “conversion” tool rather than a “creating” tool. Will look into it deeper. For some reason I need to whack some weeds right now.

Rex, by “pure Windows” I take it you are meaning ‘runs on the computer which is running Windows’?
If so, the cool part about Kiri:Moto is that it can run locally only I chose to install it on a raspberry Pi which is also running my CNC software. I don’t have to and plan on installing it on my Linux laptop but since it is a client/server setup it can also run on a Windows machine through small virtual machine running Linux.

I’m hoping someone who knows other CNC GCode generation software(slicers) will give it a try and explain what I might be missing or if it really is as good as it seems to this rookie.

The funny thing is, I keep forgetting that it is not a normal application on my computer. For example, I just finished this reply and went to switch back to it using Alt-Tab like it was a different application from the Chrome browser I’m in now. But it’s GUI is running in the browser tab right next to this forum tab. And I’ve don’t that many times.


By pure Windows, all my computers are HPs. The only Apple products in the house are two smartphones – wife and daughter, and both will be changed to Samsung when they die. And an Apple iPad my wife uses for school stuff.

I will take a look at Kiri:Moto in a bit. Right now kind of let down by several things so looking for something I can succeed on. And that is going to be my son-in-law’s 1982 Chevy one-ton dually that he wanted to restore for his mother. His dad’s business truck with over 1,000,000 documented miles on it.

Just a few comments – I was totally impressed with VCarve in the SDFWA CNC course. I know other users are getting great results with VCarve. I am not. Anytime I use the Pocketing or VCarve toolpath processes with two bits things go south. So, looking for SOMETHING. It appears that MechCam is “conversion” software where VCarve is “creation” software. By that I mean, you have something, import it to MechCam, play with it, and get toolpaths. With VCarve open the app, create something and create toolpaths. Not sure yet.

Spent a fair chunk of time at the VA Medical Center Thursday, May 14, 2020. Spent a fair amount of time today, Friday, May 15, 2020, whacking weeds. In the process of making a Cookie Monster cake for my Granddaughter. Will ice it tonight, going to the workshop to work on the dually. Want to accomplish SOMETHING.



Wow, full plates and I know what you mean about having many projects and lots of them are tough and seem like no progress is being made. This CNC stuff is not like the 2D world of laser cutting and so many variables with tools, homing, feeds/speeds, etc etc. Sometimes it’s 1 step forwared 3 back but keep at it. IIRC VCarve was a favorite of the MakerPlace and I think the FabLab even used it along with Mach or something like that. Good luck, hope the cake turns out well.

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Won’t say its good but it will be tasty. I am using canned icing and it just gets mushy due to the heat of my hand on the icing bag. Putting it in the refrigerator it gets too thick to pipe. I have four more cans of icing and then will make some from raw materials. My wife says the homemade stuff holds up better. She has won awards with her character cakes. I just win hugs and smiles from my granddaughter


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That’s stunning work on her part. “Me want cookie!”