Single Line Engraving

Another use for Shaper Origin’s engraving feature.
Traced the image below and then saved as an SVG.
Loaded the vectors onto the tool and started cutting.

Remarkably easy way to engrave brands or words.


What tool did you use to trace the image and convert to SVG? I ask because typically you get a vector on each side of the drawn lines. Inkscape has an option to generate a center-line instead but others like LightBurn give you 2 vectors and you have to do some cleanup.

Would be cool if Shaper could use its camera and scan an image/drawing and then carve it on something else. Just thinking of how LightBurn is working on stitching an image together from a camera on the laser head.

Just like you I used a Center Line Trace, also available in Corel which I used.

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