Testing before your burn, what all do you do?

Had this one come in from a couple Friday. Several test before starting the burn. I’m finding this is the best way due to woods are all different. Final burn on the laser now.

What are some of the things you all do to prep a burn?

Test, test, test, test. :grin:


Came out OK but Line interval for the wording is off. Instead of .02 maybe .1 to get a better Fill?

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every board of wood is a bit different from the next so your best bet is to try to get the same wood and a bunch of it at the same time. Then create a test pattern to try out feeds/powers and speeds and keep that with your wood supply for reference. There is still a bit of experimentation but sometimes it’s ‘close enough’ to be acceptable without throwing away the piece.

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Thx Doug. Found a deal on birch rounds today and did that…got all they had lol. Should make for some good hunting plaques. Did a bear for a guy and now he wants one on a round. Thx for the tip

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