GRBL Settings for Ortur Laser Master

$$ - View Grbl settings

To view the settings, type $$ and press enter after connecting to Grbl. Grbl should respond with a list of the current system settings, as shown in the example below. All of these settings are persistent and kept in EEPROM, so if you power down, these will be loaded back up the next time you power up your Arduino.

The x of $x=val indicates a particular setting, while val is the setting value. In prior versions of Grbl, each setting had a description next to it in () parentheses, but Grbl v1.1+ no longer includes them unfortunately. This was done to free up precious flash memory to add the new features available in v1.1. However, most good GUIs will help out by attaching descriptions for you, so you know what you are looking at.


$100=80.000 PWM freq (lower = better grayscale, higher = better cut)

X steps/mm
$101=80.000 Y steps/mm
$102=80.000 Z steps/mm
$110=9000.000 X Max rate, mm/min
$111=9000.000 Y Max rate, mm/min
$112=9000.000 Z Max rate, mm/min
$120=2200.000 X Acceleration, mm/sec^2
$121=1800.000 Y Acceleration, mm/sec^2
$122=2500.000 Z Acceleration, mm/sec^2
$130=160.000 X Max travel, mm
$131=150.000 Y Max travel, mm
$132=1.000 Z Max travel, mm

Surely this is incorrect. $100 is steps/mm for X axis.

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When I saw that I too was confused until I saw the “X steps/mm” comment which ended up on the next line. Somehow that PWM comment:

must have got into the paste erroneously.

Yeah maybe. It’s quite an old post as well so may not even get noticed by the original poster.