On the air assist, I use a shop compressor regulated to 80PSI at the compressor and then I have another regulator at the K40 regulating down to 5PSI. BUT, I only use the laser head “nozzle cone” for keeping the lens clean and I have an air assist tube which provides a very small stream of air at the cut.
I like the idea of a fish air pump for the nozzle cone and controlling the “air assist” tube for when it’s needed.
milliAmpere meter is one of the MUST HAVE for the K40. The $300 K40 only has the mA meter and a knob to adjust power but the “higher end” K40 have a digital control. BUT, that digital control is very inaccurate and most of the time anything over 40% setting on the control panel is over driving the tube. So because of this and how many people have killed their tubes in only a few months, it’s one of the MUST HAVE upgrades and I recommend they not use the machine until they either measure the current with a multi-meter or install the mA meter.